Bored Apes Confer The Right To Be Fabulous

1 min readApr 17, 2022

I asked ApeofPoland.eth on twitter, “…what IP rights does your bored ape confer?” He replied with the most astonishing remark, “Right to be fabolous 💃”

Of course, he spelt fabulous as ‘fabolous’, and that's all fabulous.

ApeofPoland.eth also claimed that “Sol” had “spoken” to him to drop 100ETH on $APE and that's how he is navigating his crypto investment decisions based on “Sol has spoken to me” instinct.

Its wild! But these are some of the basis of investment decisions ruling in the crypto world.

I am not judging ApeofPoland.eth but I find it incredibly hard to see the value and utility of some of the NFts and crypto tokens beign churned out.

So which NFts have actual UTILIY ?

I do however think that NFT domains have actual utility beyond mere speculation based on “Sol has spoken to me” pseudo beliefs. With Nft domains, you can use them to simplify your crypto wallet address. You can actually host a decentralized web3 site or dapp on Nft domains and so much more.

I also see Music Nfts as having utility because you can actually listen to the music and derive benefit from that while supporting talented DIY artists like Drumkoon.




Pioneer of Venova Fusion Music & NFT Domain Song Names. Buy my NFTs at Email📧